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Guide for free sample application

1. View the product of our Company online and confirm the type of free sample you need. Relevant help: how to choose the type of chip fuse and chip precision resistance?

2. Fill in and submit a sample application form. Please fill in the following application information of free sample carefully and accurately so that the application will be passed as soon as possible and we can send you the sample timely.

3. Our company will review and confirm within one working day after you submit an application.

4. We will send the sample to you by express before 16:00 on the day the application is confirmed successfully or on the next working day.

Warm prompt

1. Three types of free samples can be provided once at most and the number of free sample per type does not exceed 5.

2. For more help, please consult online customer service or dial the telephone hotline of our company: 400-8456-633.
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